Price Comparison

A powerful Price Comparison Tool with a super-fast Integrated Booking Engine that allows the hotel’s official website to increase direct bookings instead of OTA’S bookings.

AI – Powered Chatbot

The intelligent tool to drive more direct bookings, increase conversions, and augment customer satisfaction 24/7 on desktop and mobile devices.

Cart Abandonment

Automate push notifications in the form of exit pop-ups, and send email reminders every time Cart Abandonment occurs, encouraging the user to complete the booking according to the dates of their last search.


Augment the user experience with targeted offers and call-to-action notifications when browsing hotel’s website or upon exit intent.

Reviews Widget

Integrate Reviews Widget on your hotel’s official website to show your potential clients what other guests value the most about your property and services, inspiring informed purchase decisions that lead to increased direct online bookings.

Vouchers & Gift Cards

Increase your hotel’s income and cash flow by promoting Vouchers and Gift Cards on your website. Guests can purchase Vouchers and Gift Cards in advance, allowing them to redeem later in the booking engine.

Swift and Straightforward Integration with any Hotel Website

RateParity integrates with any hotel website and booking engine, offering hoteliers all the necessary conversion optimization tools they need to increase direct hotel bookings and boost revenues from the get-go. Simply add the code we provide to your hotel’s website, and you will notice an improved user experience and a boost in direct bookings.

A Platform designed with Hotels in mind

RateParity offers a set of tools that enhance the user experience on a hotel’s website to encourage direct bookings and build brand loyalty. The platform’s interface is easy to use, designed to save time while giving actionable insights that help hoteliers provide website visitors the best direct rates, as well as vouchers, gift cards, and other marketing aids that increase sales and revenues.